I had my stroke when in my early 40s. At Headway Luton, I join in the arts class taught by Kym. I created this piece especially for Acquired Brain Injury week 16th to 22nd May 2022. It represents the hidden effects of my stroke.

I have money worries, I have fatigue – but don’t always know when to stop. Often, I get confused, sad, and tearful. But mainly I am quite happy. I have friends at Headway. We are all individuals, but with the common connection of our brain injury. We have fun together.

This piece is created from discarded cardboard. I like collecting all sorts of materials and re-using them in my art.

You can see the piece at Headway Luton’s stall in the Mall on Tuesday 17th and Wednesday 18th May 2022. We will be opposite Lidl, near the lift.