Our yoga classes are currently funded by Sports England who enable us to pay freelance Yoga tutor Jeanne to lead the classes. We have classes on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday.
The yoga class is about one hour in length. Led by Jeanne who has been with Headway Luton for around 6 years, and therefore is familiar with the wide range of issues clients may have.
The class has a mixture of clients with varying impairments. Some are wheelchair users, others have one-sided partial paralysis due and mobility aids, plus there are a range of clients with other conditions, unrelated to their injury such as arthritis, amputations and so forth. Others are mobile but their brain injury has caused them difficulties with anxiety, confidence, concentration, co-ordination, memory, communication, sight, hearing and so forth.
Ben, a stroke survivor describes what happens in the yoga classes:

“We sit in a circle and start with some deep breathing to relax and focus. We relax our faces and focus on each part of our body, recognising and noting where we have any aches and pains or stiffness. Then Jeanne takes us through the main part of the class which includes movements to boost spinal mobility with the classic cat/cow (but in a seated position) and side stretches, we also work the middle section and the legs with some leg raises and stretches. Not everyone is able to do all the exercises, however, Jeanne and the staff support us and make adaptations.”

Jeanne explains how yoga is particularly beneficial for those limited in their mobility as it helps with blood flow, involves deep breathing to get oxygen into all parts of the body draining of the lymphatic system – which is particularly important for those who are very limited in their mobility.
The class is really friendly and no one is judgmental. Some clients at first lack confidence in their bodies when they have their brain injury but in this class, no one is looking at you or competing to be the best. People are kind and patient to each other.
The quotes below are from clients about the benefits of yoga for them:
- “The classes help me sleep”
- “My body and brain feel in harmony”
- “The classes are calming, they stop me from thinking about my problems and chores”
- “Jeanne and staff notice improvement in our mobility and flexibility and reminds us of our progress which we don’t always recognise”.
Have a look at this introduction to chair yoga by Luton legend Mik Scarlett to give you a taster. Whether you are partially paralysed, have one leg, suffer with anxiety or have difficulty in concentration or following instructions, you will find some benefit and enjoyment with seated yoga.