Amara and Momina, Year 8 students, helped to organise their Year 8 fundraiser event: The Green Tie Food Sale, on Friday the 3rd of May. There was a range of delicious multi-cultural foods, baked goods and drinks for sale.
We were delighted to receive a phone call from head of year, Mr Hince to tell us about the event and money raised. On Tuesday 14th May, Amara, Momina and Mr Hince came to our day centre on Alma Street to have a tour and meet clients, staff and volunteers.
They explained how they found out about us, and why we were their chosen charity: “We searched local charities online, and liked how you supported families of survivors of brain injury”, they explained. Mr Hince also expressed how happy he was for a smaller and less well known charity in the town to be recognised by their students.
Amara and Momina met John who showed them his art work, Stephen who told them he once had a job at Icknield painting and decorating, and Pete, Richard and Rob who happily took part in a photoshoot – mainly because they wanted to delay the start of their exercise class with Maria for as long as possible!

Amara and Momina could not stay long as they had to get back to school for their own PE lesson, but they had enough time to listen to the music group practicing a classic Stevie Wonder song. Annika gifted a Headway Luton badge which says ‘there is life after brain injury’, to add to their impressive badge collection on their blazers.
Thanks so much to all of Year 8!