Headway UK put a call out for all groups and branches across the UK to enter their ‘design a Christmas Card competition.

Kym, our Friday art tutor leapt into action, encouraging our clients to create and submit their designs. Millie submitted two designs – ‘Robin’ and ‘Santa Stuck Down a Chimney’.

Today we found out that Millie’s got chosen alongside Paul from Headway Gloucester (see below).

When staff told Millie this morning, she could not believe it but was absolutely delighted!

The winning cards will be included in the Headway UK Christmas Card pack, the artist will received a framed copy and finally, an article about Millie and Paul will feature in the autumn edition of the Headway UK magazine.

Below is Millie’s design – ‘Santa Stuck in a Chimney’ and Paul’s design ‘Christmas Fish Tank Scene’.

Some of Headway Luton’s entries (and other designs for every occasion) are available to view and send as e-cards on Don’t Send Me a Card – more will be uploaded soon. We also aim to print a limited editions of all the Headway Luton cards, which were entered into the competition, ready to sell at Christmas.

Two images, one of santa's legs sticking up out of a chimney with a star and moon in the backgroud. The second design is by Paul and is a colourful image of santa as a puffa fish in a fish tank with other fish, trees and presents.